
Gallbladder Stone Treatment

Gallbladder Stone Treatment

Gallstones are complex collections of the digestive fluid in the gallbladder that can develop over time. Humen’s gallbladder is the tiny organ located directly under the liver on the right part of your belly. Bile is the fluid helping your digestion stored in the...

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Colorectal Cancer Awareness

Colorectal Cancer Awareness

Fatal diseases like cancer are on a rise in Mumbai. Cancer is a very dangerous and life-taking disease. There are different types of cancer. Colorectal cancer is one such type of cancer. It is the cancer of the colon or rectum. It is very difficult to fight cancer and...

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Achalasia – All you need to know

Achalasia – All you need to know

What exactly is Achalasia? What are the causes of achalasia? What are the most prevalent achalasia signs and symptoms? How is achalasia diagnosed? What treatment options for achalasia are available in Mumbai? Do you have such questions in your mind? All of these...

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Gastritis causes and prevention & treatment

Gastritis causes and prevention & treatment

Is your stomach upset? Are you feeling nauseated? Your favorite food is kept in front of you and yet you don’t feel like eating it? You have eaten little yet does your stomach feel very full? If yes, then you might be suffering from gastritis. Gastritis is an...

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Bariatric Surgery FAQ

Bariatric Surgery FAQ

Morbid Obesity is on the rise across the world and in India too. In India alone, ~15% of the population is obese. Bariatric surgery is a viable solution that helps obese people recover and regain their health and adopt a healthy lifestyle. Here are a few FAQ related...

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Obesity-related GI problems

Obesity-related GI problems

Excess body weight has been linked to various abdominal ailments. These may include abdominal pain, bloating, heartburn, vomiting, acid reflux or constipation etc. Below are some common conditions linked to obesity.Exact biological cause of IBS remains unknown, but...

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Everything you Need to Know About Diverticulitis

Everything you Need to Know About Diverticulitis

Diverticulitis might sound like a complicated disease, but it is a common condition where small pouches or sacs known as diverticula develop in the large intestine or colon and become infected. When the sacs become infected, they can bulge outward, causing pain and...

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