Diverticulitis might sound like a complicated disease, but it is a common condition where small pouches or sacs known as diverticula develop in the large intestine or colon and become infected. When the sacs become infected, they can bulge outward, causing pain and discomfort in the abdomen.

Diverticulitis can cause several symptoms in addition to abdominal pain. If you have any of the symptoms mentioned above, consult Dr. Harsh Sheth, a renowned GI Laparoscopic Surgeon in Mumbai, to get a diagnosis and treatment options.

What are the causes of diverticulitis?

Diverticulitis develops when vulnerable areas in your colon give way under pressure. As a result, tiny pouches protrude through the colon wall.

Also, the following factors can cause diverticulitis:

  • A low-fiber diet
  • A high-fat, animal-based diet
  • Obesity
  • Ageing
  • Lack of physical activity
  • Certain medicines such as steroids and pain relievers

What are the symptoms of diverticulitis?

Diverticulitis symptoms can range from mild to severe. Abdominal pain is one of the most common symptoms. People often experience pain on the lower left side of their abdomen. The right side of the abdomen, on the other hand, can be more painful at times, particularly for people of Asian descent.

If you have diverticulitis, you might also experience the following symptoms:

  • Fever
  • Abdominal pain
  • Bloating
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation as a result of a stomach obstruction
  • Stool with blood in it
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Rectal bleeding
  • Appetite loss
  • Urge to urinate urgently and often

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you should see a doctor as soon as possible so that your doctor can order tests and make an accurate diagnosis.

Diverticulitis can lead to severe complications if not treated properly, so see your doctor if you have any of these symptoms.

What is the procedure for diagnosing diverticulitis?

You may need the following tests during the diagnosis process:

  • Liverenzyme test –

    This test helps figure out what is causing your stomach pain, which may be linked to your liver.

  • Stoolexamination –

    It determines the cause of diarrhea and eliminates the possibility of infection.

  • Computedtomography (CT) scan –

    It assists in finding the pouches that are inflamed or infected, as well as confirms your diagnosis.

What is the treatment for diverticulitis?

The seriousness of your symptoms, as well as other factors, will determine your treatment. If you have uncomplicated diverticulitis, you can improve your health by changing your diet.Your doctor may recommend a clear liquid diet for a few days in case of a severe attack of diverticulitis.A liquid diet will help you feel better and relieve your symptoms.

Furthermore, a lower-fiber diet may aid in the improvement of your stomach symptoms. When your stomach feels better, your doctor will help you gradually introduce higher-fiber foods. If you have diverticulitis, talk to your doctor about the proper diet to adopt.

Diverticulitis can be treated in many ways. A combination of antibiotics, pain relievers, and a liquid diet could be enough to cure diverticulitis in less serious cases.

If the patients cannot drink liquids due to severe diverticulitis,then a hospital stay is necessary. In the hospital, all nutrients will be administered intravenously, allowing the bowel to rest and recover.By avoiding eating and drinking by mouth will aid in the healing of diverticulitis.

If other treatments fail or complications occur due to severe diverticulitis, then surgery may be an option.

Types of surgical options to treat diverticulitis

1. Bowel resection with anastomosis

The surgeon removes infected parts of your colon and reattaches the healthy segments to each other during a bowel resection with anastomosis.

2. Bowel resection with colostomy

During this procedure, the surgeon removes the infected parts of your colon and connects the healthy section to the stoma.

You can undergo the procedure by either the open or laparoscopic method.

Consult your doctor if you have diverticulitis or if you have concerns about your risk of developing it.