Obesity and weight loss are sensitive issues that can significantly impact a person’s self-esteem, self-confidence, and general well-being. For many who struggle with their weight, it can seem like a never-ending cycle of weight loss fads and self-hatred. It can turn into a perpetual battle against their own bodies. The road to weight loss involves not only losing weight but also dealing with and conquering the emotional baggage that goes along with it. It is about discovering how to accept and love oneself regardless of what the number on the scale says.

“If you are on this journey, know that you are not alone. Every step you take toward becoming better is a success that deserves to be celebrated,” Dr. Harsh Sheth, a doctor renowned for effective bariatric surgery in Mumbai.

Understanding Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Gastric sleeve surgery, also known as sleeve gastrectomy, is a weight reduction procedure. It entails removing a section of the stomach leaving in its place a smaller, banana-shaped pouch. The banana-shaped pouch restricts how much food one can eat, thus causing weight loss.

“Typically, we conduct the procedure laparoscopically, which involves making a few tiny incisions in the belly through which we place a camera and other surgical tools,” explains Advanced Laparoscopic surgeon Dr. Harsh Sheth. “It is a relatively safe and efficient alternative for extremely obese people with a BMI (body mass index) of 40 or higher, or a BMI of 35 or more with obesity-related health concerns.”

Dr. Harsh Sheth is a proficient bariatric specialist and is often called the best gastro-intestinal surgeons in Mumbai.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Expected weight loss after gastric sleeve surgery

Gastric sleeve surgery, also known as sleeve gastrectomy, is a weight reduction procedure. It entails removing a section of the stomach leaving in its place a smaller, banana-shaped pouch. The banana-shaped pouch restricts how much food one can eat, thus causing weight loss.

“Typically, we conduct the procedure laparoscopically, which involves making a few tiny incisions in the belly through which we place a camera and other surgical tools,” explains Advanced Laparoscopic surgeon Dr. Harsh Sheth. “It is a relatively safe and efficient alternative for extremely obese people with a BMI (body mass index) of 40 or higher, or a BMI of 35 or more with obesity-related health concerns.”

Dr. Harsh Sheth is a proficient bariatric specialist and is often called the best gastro-intestinal surgeons in Mumbai.

Reasons for no weight loss after 3 weeks of weight loss procedure

It is not unusual to experience a plateau or a lack of weight reduction after 3 weeks of a weight loss treatment. This is because weight loss is not always linear and might differ from person to person.

Let us examine the causes of your delayed weight loss, including your diet, exercise routine and general health.

Possible causes of weight retention 3 weeks after gastric procedure:

  • High caloric intake: People lose weight if they eat fewer calories than they burn off through exercise and daily activities.
  • Overestimating calorie burn can result in an unreliable calorie deficit since people tend to overestimate how many calories they burn while exercising.
  • Water retention: Many individuals start losing weight a couple of weeks after surgery. However, some people can retain water and find it challenging to move around. Variations in water weight can be due to dietary and activity changes, which may conceal actual fat loss.
  • Unhealthy eating habits: Sugary foods contain empty calories because they don’t provide enough nutrients and will increase your weight if you consume them frequently.
High caloric intake
    • Lack of physical activity: When you start losing weight, staying active is a lot simpler than when you carry excess weight. To successfully lose weight over the long run, you must exercise frequently. Dietary adjustments will cause you to lose some weight initially, but you will still need to exercise to keep losing weight. Start slowly and work up to 30 minutes of exercise per day, five days per week.
    • Mind your beverages: Staying hydrated is essential for weight loss success after a weight loss procedure. Your primary source of hydration should be water, not sugary sports drinks. You can flavor plain water with the essence of citrus or other fruits if plain water bores you.
    • Take your vitamins: It can be difficult to consume enough nutrition following bariatric surgery, so taking the doctor-recommended vitamins and multivitamins is important. Your body requires these nutrients to heal smoothly and promote weight loss.
    • Hormonal changes: Hormonal changes, such as those brought on by menstruation, can result in temporary weight gain and water retention.
    • Medical conditions: Some medical diseases, such as hypothyroidism, might interfere with metabolism and make it difficult to lose weight.
    • Medication: Some drugs may make you gain weight or prevent you from losing it.

    If weight loss plateaus persist for more than a few weeks, please consult a healthcare professional like Dr. Harsh Sheth, best gastric surgeon in Mumbai to identify possible causes and make the required adjustments to the weight reduction approach.

    Dr. Harsh Sheth, best gastric surgeon in Mumbai ensures that he provides post-operative guidelines for his patients to get started on their weight loss journey.

Tips for promoting weight loss after gastric sleeve surgery

ome of the post-operative guidelines to promote weight loss include:

    • Follow the specific diet chart prepared by your health professional
    • Exercise regularly, starting with light exercises and then increasing the intensity gradually, keeping your body’s comfort in mind.
    • Eat nutrient-rich foods and have small frequent meals.
    • Stay hydrated by drinking enough water, and avoid sugary carbonated drinks.
    • Join a support group to connect with others who have undergone weight loss surgery

“Losing weight after gastric sleeve surgery is a journey that calls for a long-term dedication to a healthy lifestyle,” reminds laparoscopic surgeon Dr. Harsh Sheth. “You can reach your weight loss objectives and enhance your general health and well-being with commitment and persistence.”

weight loss


Millions of individuals worldwide struggle with the complex and emotional journey that is obesity. It has the potential to cause a variety of health issues, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and stroke, as well as have a severe negative influence on one’s quality of life.

Fortunately, the gastric sleeve procedure is a powerful technique that can help obese patients lose a large amount of weight and enhance their health and quality of life. However, it is crucial to understand that the surgery is not a miracle and calls for long-term dedication to a healthy lifestyle. Patients can improve their quality of life and lose weight by maintaining a balanced diet, working out frequently, and drinking enough water. The beginning of a revolutionary path towards a healthier, happier life can begin with gastric sleeve surgery with the help of close family and friends, medical professionals, and a committed weight reduction group.

gastric sleeve

“Remember that weight loss is a journey, not a destination. Stay patient and persistent in your efforts, and trust the process, you will certainly reach your goals,” advises Dr. Harsh Sheth.

If you or a loved one has any questions or concerns about gastric sleeve surgery, please do to hesitate to consult top-notch gastrointestinal expert Dr. Harsh Sheth. With over 10 years of expertise and providing effective treatments, he is among the preferred doctors for people seeking gastrointestinal treatments.