Excess body weight has been linked to various abdominal ailments. These may include abdominal pain, bloating, heartburn, vomiting, acid reflux or constipation etc. Below are some common conditions linked to obesity.
IBS and Obesity
Exact biological cause of IBS remains unknown, but research has identified that abnormal intestinal motility (the movement of the intestines), diet, and an imbalance in the normal bacteria present in the gut may all be involved. In addition to diet, the alterations in gut bacteria there may be a common link in obesity and IBS. Many of the diets that can be helpful in managing IBS may also help in weight loss, and efforts to create a healthy gut can also help with digestive health for both conditions.
Fatty Liver Disease and obesity
The prevalence of fatty liver is increasing with changes in lifestyle. Studies have found that body mass index (BMI), was associated with the risk of fatty liver. The liver normally contains a small amount of fat. When obesity increases the amount of fat to constitute 5% to 10% of the total liver weight, a person has NAFLD.The first stage of treatment for Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease(NAFLD) caused by obesity is to lose weight. Being obese is one of the most common causes. Modern dietary habits, lifestyles, lack of exercise, and genetic traits are the main reasons for obesity. A controlled and steady loss of weight, under medical supervision, may help reverse the progress of the disease. This includes a controlled diet and regular exercise. In addition, a doctor may prescribe medication to bring NAFLD under control. If these treatment options are ineffective, you can consider visiting a bariatric surgeon in Mumbai, before the condition becomes severe and life-threatening, after which a liver transplant is the only option. Bariatric surgeries are no longer cosmetic procedures, they are carried out in case you suffer from obesity related health conditions.
GERD and Obesity
Being overweight is one of the most common causes of GERD. Obesity is identified as the leading cause of frequent heartburn. Excess weight increases abdominal pressure, making stomach acid leakage or backflow more likely.Temporary weight gain, such as during pregnancy, can also cause heartburn. But in such cases, the symptoms generally clear up once you get back to a normal weight.There’s a strong link between excess weight and acid reflux. Losing weight is one of the best lifestyle changes you can make to help reduce heartburn, as well as your risk for other health complications. If you have GERD, make sure you stick with your treatment plan to avoid esophageal damage. Talk to your gastroenterologist if your condition fails to improve despite your best weight loss efforts.
Obesity and hernia
Ventral hernias are a frequent reason for surgical consultation, and its incidence is higher in the obese population. Obesity is not only a risk factor for the appearance of abdominal wall hernias and incisional hernias but also for complications after ventral hernia repair. Obesity also increases the risk of incarceration and recurrence after repair. In these patients, the laparoscopic approach minimizes the risk. There is a strong association between obesity and abdominal wall hernias.Ventral hernias are a frequent reason for surgical consultation, but overweight or obese patients are often asked to lose weight before repair to reduce the risk. Numerous studies suggest that obesity is not only a risk factor for the appearance of abdominal wall hernias but also for complications of ventral hernia repair.