
Postpartum Hernia – All You Need To Know

Postpartum Hernia – All You Need To Know

Your body undergoes numerous changes not just during pregnancy but also post-delivery. Most of these changes subside with time, and your body will return to normal. On the other hand, some of the changes can persist for a while. Dr. Harsh Sheth, an acclaimed bariatric...

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Robotic Surgery- Is It Overhyped?

Robotic Surgery- Is It Overhyped?

For millennia, people have been fascinated by human anatomy and have wanted to learn more about it. And as science advances, more and more sophisticated technology is being developed to be used in treatment procedures, with minimal side-effects and discomfort. ...

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Signs that Indicate Towards Hernia

Signs that Indicate Towards Hernia

Hernias can affect anyone. But how can you tell if you have got one? Hernias occur due to a number of factors, which include muscle weakness, a past injury, or straining from lifting heavy stuff. In a hernia, fatty tissue or organ pushes out through a weak spot in...

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How to Prevent Gallbladder Removal Discomfort

How to Prevent Gallbladder Removal Discomfort

You should thank your gallbladder every time you digest a meal. It is only around four inches long, but it’s large enough to accomplish its job: concentrate bile from your liver and release it into your small intestine to help break down food. You will notice the...

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Can you lose weight during sleep?

Can you lose weight during sleep?

Yes, you do lose weight when sleeping. However, water loss via breathing and sweating accounts for the majority of this. Though people do not burn much fat while sleeping, sleep is an essential part of one’s overall well-being. Not getting enough sleep can make it...

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