Bariatric Surgery FAQ
Morbid Obesity is on the rise across the world and in India too. In India alone, ~15% of the population is obese. Bariatric surgery is a viable solution that helps obese people recover and regain their health and adopt a healthy lifestyle. Here are a few FAQ related...
Obesity-related GI problems
Excess body weight has been linked to various abdominal ailments. These may include abdominal pain, bloating, heartburn, vomiting, acid reflux or constipation etc. Below are some common conditions linked to obesity.Exact biological cause of IBS remains unknown, but...
Everything you Need to Know About Diverticulitis
Diverticulitis might sound like a complicated disease, but it is a common condition where small pouches or sacs known as diverticula develop in the large intestine or colon and become infected. When the sacs become infected, they can bulge outward, causing pain and...
All You Need To Know About: Abdominal Wall Reconstruction (AWR) Surgery
Abdominal wall reconstruction (AWR) is a complicated surgery that helps repair reoccurring hernias, ventral hernias, large hernias, and parastomal hernias. It is also used to repair surgical trauma and rebuild the broken abdominal wall. For abdominal wall...
Understanding your healthy BMI
Are you aware of your BMI? These days people are becoming more aware of theirs, just as they aware of their cholesterol. If you do not know your BMI, you can use an online BMI calculator. You only need to know your weight and height. You can also measure it yourself...
The ideal diet to maintain a healthy BMI
Several scientific findings confirm the need to maintain a good body mass index and waistline measurements. It helps in minimizing the chance of severe complications and premature death. However, maintaining a balanced diet, especially when attempting to reduce...
What kind of change in your personality can you expect after having bariatric surgery?
Overweight and obesity affect a large number of Mumbai residents. The fundamental causes of overweight are your unhealthy eating habits such as eating too much oily and fast food, candy, spicy foods, and no exercise. Eventually, the BMI of your body deteriorates...
Identifying Gallbladder Problems and Their Symptoms
Many people in Mumbai have gallbladder problems. Most people opt for gallbladder surgery in Mumbai to get rid of the discomfort caused by their gallbladder. You might still be confused about what are the problems in a gallbladder and its symptoms. Let us begin by...
Few tips to avoid foods after gall bladder surgery
Are you suffering from digestive issues after having a gallbladder removal surgery? Are you facing a watery stool? Dr Harsh Sheth, one of the most well known bariatric surgeon in Mumbai, also offers the most effective gall bladder surgery in Mumbai. Many people in...
Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery – What to Expect?
Nowadays, many people in Mumbai are opting for bariatric surgery as a solution for weight loss. Do you want to opt for bariatric surgery in Mumbai as well? But you are concerned about the post-surgery pain and healing time. Do not worry; a bariatric surgeon in...